Thursday, 8 April 2010

Grey's Anatomy (Calzona Update)

Right okay, so we all know where we were left off with calzona last episode. Callie wants a baby, Arizona doesnt and something about pound cake blah blah. But now there's an addition to this story, Jessica Capshaw who plays Arizona is now pregnant with her second child. This is fantastic and congratulations to her, but what about Calzona? I for one would love Arizona to have a baby (please to god no Mark Sloan as the donor!) but i know ALOT of other people do not, and i mean do not! I dont know, they are sick of another unoriginal lesbian baby story. So if you go over to you can see the, incredibly awesome and funny, ways that they can avoid this pregnancy to happen on the show. To save you the trip over there i'll quickly shorten them down;
1. To make the bump a tumor. But then they thought, to avoid another dead lesbian story they would scratch that one.
2. The second idea was to just show Arizona gain a few pounds. I mean who does'nt love a fat juicy lesbian..?
3. Just to simply get less screentime i guess and any screen time she does get she would hide behind people, couches and so on.
4. I shall copy this sentence straight off the site 'Make Callie overcome with separation anxiety'. Ha, i think that's quite good, we maybe can see more snuggles and huggles off the pair?
And 5. To simply ignore it. They have done it once, they can do it again! But i do not agree, yes it would have been better if this happened later but hell who can stop little spermies getting through. Yes we have stuff for that but it cant be avoided forever.
Anyways, im looking forward to what Shonda has in store for us next time. But always remember Shonda.. MFEO.